Many dog owners view their pets as a member of the family — our culture frequently refers to dogs as man’s “best friend.” Yet, the CDC estimates that more than 4.5 million people are bitten each year by a dog, with roughly 800,000 victims suffering injuries that require some level of medical attention.
At the Law Offices of Kurt M. Schultz, PLLC, in Plymouth, I understand the adverse impact a dog attack can have, not only on the victim but on entire families. A dog attack can be a terrifying experience, leaving the victim with physical and emotional injury and scarring.
Physical injuries can include lacerations, nerve damage, dangerous puncture wounds, disfigurement and even fatal injuries. The risk of infection can be strong, adversely impacting a person’s health even more. Psychological harm, including PTSD, can often continue after a victim has recovered physically.
Most dog attacks occur at the home of the dog owner — victims are most often neighbors, friends or other acquaintances of the pet owner. However, postal carriers, utility workers and, actually, people from all walks of life, can be the victim of a dog attack.
While pit bulls, Rottweilers and similar large dogs are frequently discussed in the public debate concerning dog bites, any kind of dog is equipped and capable of inflicting harm in an attack, including small dogs. It is important to note that the CDC cautions that there is no accurate method of determining what breeds of dog are more or less likely to bite.
In Michigan, there is no room for one free bite. The law allows victims to recover compensation from the dog owner or dog keeper for injuries suffered in any dog attack, or bite, that is not provoked (as long as the victim is legally at the location at the time of the attack). There is no requirement under Michigan’s strict liability law to prove that the dog has a prior history of attacks or aggressiveness.
As an experienced lawyer, I take the time to investigate the full extent of the facts to prepare a strong case aimed at obtaining optimal results and compensation for animal attack victims. I work hard for my clients to help them move forward with their lives after suffering an injury.
To learn how my experience taking on the insurance companies can be to your advantage, send me a message online or call us. I represent injury victims throughout Southeast Michigan.