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Motorcycle Accidents Attorney in Plymouth, Michigan

More and more people are turning to motorcycles as a form of transportation, both for the commute to work and for recreational purposes, according to the Department of Transportation. Riding a motorcycle can be economical and is certainly an enjoyable experience. Unfortunately, when a motorcycle and a car (or another motor vehicle) collide in an accident, riders and passengers on bikes can suffer serious personal injuries, including:

Head trauma and traumatic brain injury

  • Neck, back and spinal cord injury

  • Fractures requiring surgery

  • Road rash requiring surgery

Drivers in cars and trucks often fail to see motorcycles — or fail to properly judge the proper speed of an approaching bike. These accidents often involve inattentiveness, distracted driving or the failure of a driver in a motor vehicle to check the blind spot when making a turn or changing lanes. Federal officials say that the majority of motorcycle crashes involve head-on collisions between a car and the bike. The DOT says that passenger vehicles making a left-hand turn in front of a bike are also fairly common.

Work with An Experienced Lawyer & Rider

At the Law Offices of Kurt M. Schultz, PLLC, in Plymouth, I am well aware of the hazards that motorcyclists face on Michigan roads. I am not only a motorcycle accident lawyer but enjoy riding two-wheelers. Michigan law does not recognize motorcycles as a motor vehicle. However, a motorcyclist who is in an accident caused by a negligent driver of a car or truck may be able to recover compensation from the other driver’s no-fault insurance policy.

I Will Fight for You


It is critical for an accident victim to seek the assistance and advocacy of an experienced attorney as soon as possible after a motorcycle accident. The insurance companies, and negligent drivers, often try to cast blame on the rider in these kinds of accidents. Moreover, even when liability is not contested, the insurance providers are determined to keep their costs to a minimum.

Lowball offers that do not sufficiently cover the expenses and losses a rider has sustained, denied claims altogether and disputes over the extent of injuries are common tactics the insurance companies use to protect their shareholders. As an experienced trial lawyer, I am dedicated to doing the hard work on behalf of my clients to provide aggressive advocacy and prepare a strong case to maximize compensation for accident victims.

Contact a Proven Motorcycle Accident Attorney in Southeast Michigan

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a motorcycle crash caused by someone else, please call me as soon as possible. You can also get in touch with me using the simple contact form to request a no-obligation, free consultation. I serve clients throughout Southeast Michigan and can arrange to come to you if your injuries are too severe for you to travel.